Haematologists at Erode Cancer Centreuse a range of specialised treatments and treatment plans to…treat blood cancers. Haematological cancers include various types of blood cancers and related diseases including acute and chronic leukaemias, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative disorders, aplastic anaemia, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma and plasma cell disorders.


  • Apheresis
  • Bone marrow and stem cell transplants

Whilst there are special treatments for haematological diseases, treatment for blood cancers may also include chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

If you are receiving treatment for blood cancer you will be looked after by a treating haematologist who will coordinate your treatment plan, discuss your treatment options and explain your treatments to you. However, you may receive care from a range of different experts. Your multidisciplinary team may consist of:

  • Haematologists
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Surgical oncologists
  • Medical oncologists
  • Specialist nurse coordinators or practitioners
  • Other doctors who are undertaking specialist training in haematology
  • Specialist treatment nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Allied health professionals such as dietitians, physiotherapists, social workers, clinical psychologists
  • Other support services

Nurse-led services available within Erode Cancer centreHaematology Service include nurse-led follow up for patients with skin lymphoma, patients post autograft, and post allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Specialist haematology nurses are also involved in the follow up and management of patients in the Late Effects Service.Your case will be discussed at a multi-disciplinary team meeting, ensuring you receive the best care and treatment plan.As a tertiary training institution, education is a primary focus for ECC . During your time at ECC , you will meet health professionals training at varies stages of education. Your care will always be delivered under the direct supervision of senior specialist staff.Your treating team will provide you any treatment information and advice specific to you. Please ask your team any questions you might have or let them know if you have any concerns about your treatment.


If you have a blood cancer, you may feel overwhelmed and have many questions.

To understand blood cancer, it is important to know it mainly affects the bone marrow, which is the soft inner part of bones where blood and blood cells are made.

The three main types of blood cells are:

  • red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to every part of the body
  • white blood cells that help fight infection
  • platelets that help control bleeding.



Your specialist will need to find out where your cancer started (what type of cell) and if it is ‘aggressive’ or ‘indolent’. These describe how quickly the cancer is spreading.Next, it is important to determine if there is a sub-type (related disease). Each sub-type is different and may affect the type of treatment given.


Blood cancer (haematology cancer) experts from have joined efforts to bring you the best blood cancer service available.Our service, grouped into the many different blood cancer types and related diseases (also called sub-types), delivers specialist and expert care for your blood cancer.


We know how hard cancer and treatment can be. Your lifestyle and that of your loved one’s will be disrupted and changed. During this time, it is common to struggle with ongoing concerns about cancer and therapy. There are many expert groups available to support you through this time, including:

  • Leukaemia Foundation
  • Myeloma India
  • Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation
  • Cancer Council India
  • Cancer Council Victoria


We know how hard cancer and treatment can be. Your lifestyle and that of your loved one’s will be disrupted and changed. During this time, it is common to struggle with ongoing concerns about cancer and therapy. There are many expert groups available to support you through this time, including:

  • Leukaemia Foundation
  • Myeloma India
  • Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation
  • Cancer Council India
  • Cancer Council Victoria


At ECC, we focus on all aspects of your health and wellbeing. Our genitourinary cancer experts will help support and guide you to the best information and managed care.

Our specialist nurses can refer you to our:

  • allied health services
  • support services
  • patient information resources
  • support groups.


For more information about blood cancers, their treatment and support for patients and families, download copies of the following resources:

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Hodgkin lymphoma – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Myeloma: A comprehensive guide – Myeloma India
  • Young Adults with a Blood Cancer – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Autologous (Self) Transplants – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Understanding Autologous and Allogeneic Transplants: Guide’s for patients and families – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Follow-up of survivors of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma – Indian Cancer Survivorship Centre

Follow up of survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma – Indian Cancer Survivorship Centre


We also offer a broad clinical trials program. Our program offers a wide range of advanced research treatments for many of our patients.Every individual patient is at the heart of what we do. Dedicated to you, we commit and pursue state-of-the-art research that we link from bench to bedside and beyond,that will generate the evidence supporting our treatments in the future. If you would like to participate or have questions about clinical trials, speak to your specialist.Find out more about participating in clinical researchat Erode Cancer Centre. For further details of clinical trials, please see the relevant stream.